Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This line This word Made we

This line
this word
turned and wrought emotion
wrestle free
my thoughts
I know not but
it is all of me
if only a piece
a part of
some time
once was now
not honed
just so and
yes now
make permanent
with form just so
structure sewn
that you
yes you
may grasp at an
that may be
we can
see each other’s I
turned and wrought
as thus
this line
this word

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Urinal “Lovely Pee”

Ah, the Urinal. Sweet swishing.
White porcelain the backdrop to rusty mineral deposits.
“Just Say No” Your captured audience sprays the message with THC laden evidence. Nancy never the wiser.
Yellow and blue make green, but what of yellow and pinkly fresh deodorized crystallized roundly marketed Bulls Eye.
Hitting the mark, missing the nonexistent lid. Oh happy man, jealous woman.
WAIT! Have to clean that splatter on the tip of the shoe, the back draft on the hand. YUCK and YUMMY.
But what of the wet spot? The uncomfortable quarter size non-shaken drop leftover.
Shake once, okay. Only proper hygiene. But never shaken enough!
Shake twice, little fun; hairy palm secret pleasure. Yum, yum.
Then, the sprinkle on your pants, “what the f__k!” Do I need dippers?
Cover it up with a splash from the sink. Yeah, right! You pissed your pants pissy.
Yet, the experience, the Urinal, all worth it. All mine.
Tall urinals from floor to chest. What a sight!
The torso ones; a torso with a dick cup just for peeing.
The baby ones, Urinals for kids making men out of boys. “That’s my boy. Proud of Ya. For peeing while standing up? Yeah!!!
The Grand Slam of them all, the communal Urinal made of shinny steel with constantly running trickle, trickle sound of tinkle, tinkle water. Sometimes mosquitoes tapping the tip of your spray, shoot em down, no matter how old you are, playing Army with the Urinal. Push it out, let it out, steaming HOT.
A trip or hopping of bars produces the steadiest and most gloriest of Urinal sensations.
Long, hard, metal like piercing power released after tying a yellow ribbon round the tip. OUCH! Simply cross your legs and don’t listen to the taunting, “Visit Niagara Falls” “Want to go for a swim” of your brother.
Quick stop next to your friend even a stranger becoming your friend saying, “How’s it Hanging?”
Opps, caught a glimpse, took a look without wanting to be seen.
One penis to the other, “Lovely day for a pee.”
Nothing beats the Urinal Marvel of plumbing for peeing.
Thank Mister Craper for my genetic ability,
Thank the Urinal standing there awaiting me.

Epilogue or PS
Wait! Hold the hose, stem the tide.
Peeing in the shower, standing up in a Urinal,
What a nice surprise.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Stack of wood

There's this
stack of wood
over there
I like to look at
get lost in
with its browns, and hues
and round and rounds
Put together, just so
meeting some purpose
And I, I can't help
but think
That's me
That's them, my friends
That's us
I'm like that stacked wood
put up, there
People are like that
pile of shapes
yet round or so
It's me
It's us
And I get lost
in a comfort of uses
Wooden variance, and hues