Sunday, March 06, 2011

I'm Tired

I'm tired
At first, it was the pressure.
Comfort lost through great pressure.
A short burst of anticipation followed up by
Tubular anti-delight and headache.
Oh boy, or girl, isn't so deterministic as
We are all headed out
In the same direction.
The prospects and promises are exhausting.
I'm tired.
Now, follow that up with
Nutritional matriculation
Of the cultural variety.
At some point I'll,
I'll rebel loudly saying, I didn't ask for this!
Like it was never said before a hundred
Thousand times.
The collective scream will fall on
The collective deaf and tired.
Trying to make their own new found way.
Here's my ticket. That's the ticket.
To a life's labor with little
Love or desire.
You must take the ticket and ride.
Another tunnel you've prepared for
Without little knowledge of except
A faint memory. Oh, yeah.
The headache. Let me have that ticket.
I'll take a stand. I'll love my labor.
And go home
to do it all again
the next day.

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