The little boy couldn't WAIT to get to school today. Yesterday, he caught a praying mantis in the back yard. He wanted to show it off to all his friends in school especially since today was show and tell. Wouldn't everyone want to see the martial arts bug? Oh, yeah! After breakfast the little boy was off and running.
On the way to school, the little boy saw several squirrels gathering nuts. They seemed to be working hard but were having fun jumping over a few different trees. A bird pulled a worm out of the ground in the abandoned lot on 8th street. The little boy saw several birds do this and wondered if he could eat a worm. Yep. Most likely. So long as it was cleaned. There was a bus stop along the way and today, old man Jenkins had his new seeing eye dog, a big ole yellow lab the boy thought. How cool was it that that the dog was helping that old guy get around. Jenkins was a good guy, as far as old folks go, so 'pretty cool' figured the little boy.
Just as the little boy got to school, he looked at the praying mantis. He didn't want him to have to work. His parents worked really hard, yet they had fun. The little boy surely didn't want the bug to get eaten by a bird. And yet, the little boy wasn't doing the bug any favors by caging him up and showing him off to a bunch of like minded, little kids. Martial arts or not, the praying mantis was still a small bug who might be better off taking its chancing in the world.
So, the little boy let the praying mantis go just before the morning bell rang. When it was his turn to show and tell, the little boy said that he had forgotten and asked it he could bring in his Lego Pirate ship tomorrow. He didn't hear the answer as he had already turned to look out the window.