Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Buddha rocks project ~ take two, number 3

I borrowed my
step-dad's car
Fuck it!
I stole the damn thing.

My parents were out of town
and I wanted to go out
tool around

1980 something
Custom Lincoln Mark IV
Colored to match his
alma mater - Maze and Blue

Can you imagine?
A pimped out
University of Michigan
gas hog!

Sweet! I know

I pushed it, too
through the subdivision
up to friend's homes
who weren't even around
losing track of time

And that's when it happened
Holy Hell!
I really didn't care
just wanted a joy ride
you know

But not really knowing
how to drive
14 you see
and small
I backed the beast up against

A mailbox

I raced home
faster now,
smart! I know

Parking the
University trophy
back in the garage
and forgot about it

My parents called me

My room was way, way up top
3rd floor really
I used to imagine
living in a castle
but that's a different tale

They called me down
out, into the garage
and showed me
The Damage

A tear in the vinyl top
bout a foot long
My parents then asked
If I had left the garage door

Can you imagine?
They thought someone
broke in
and exacted
OHIO State revenge

The Bastards!

That's why
to this day
I root for the
Michigan Wolverines

Go Blue!

1 comment:

Bubba said...

What a wild ride! I dig it!