I dig holes. Not just any ole hole but important holes - the everlasting kind. Well, I have to fill em back up so maybe not so everlasting. You see, I dig holes in cemeteries. Someone has gotta do it, ya know, and since I done hung out at the cemetery since I was a wee little, it seemed natural. Used to use shovels, way back when, and let me tell you! Using dem dirt slingers was hard work. Yes sir. Well, it took a long time but I liked it.
Seemed natural for the cemetery to grow as time went on, and when it got big, the people in charge bought me a mechanical shovel, a backhoe. One of dem nice green ones too, named after some deer in dat dar movie Bambi. Now, I don’t member no character named John, but John made my job quicker. And wouldn’t you know it, soon as I could work faster, more people seemed to die. Way it is, I guess.
Only thing I don’t like about ole John is after digging a hole, I’d have to wait around with him until the dead person’s family left the cemetery. And you know what, death don’t know no time and folks don’t know nothing bout getting dirt back in the ground. People die all times of the day, throughout the year, and regardless of the weather. Yep! I’d dig a hole and it would snow or the sun would blister down or the rain would just pour all over me and ole John. We’d wait, right thing to do I guess, and the rain would just pour on down. I’d like the rain, more than the snow or sun, cause sometimes the rainwater would collect in John’s bucket.
Oh, I liked when that happened. Yes I did. Sure, I was surrounded by a cemetery with loads of dead folks and sometimes their sad families. There was a job to be done too. But when it rained and water collected in dat dar bucket of John’s, I’d sometimes see the pretty blue sky and cotton white clouds reflected in the water. And ya know what? I’d wonder if there wasn’t something more than just a dug hole needing to be filled back in.
look at this phenomenal post.
the character is very easy to slip into, instantly sucking you into the story. the little details make him believable, him hanging out in the cemetery since he was "wee little".
He is a townie, reminds me of a Joyce Carol Oates character. I feel like there is way more about this man that exists just from the taste you have given us here. But I am a sucker for a good ending, and thats what you got here. Leaves me feeling the longing that he must feel.
yay! Thank you so much. DAY 2!
I liked how you pulled a character study and his 'whole' story out of my photo. One of the most interesting BRP's so far!
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