Sunday, September 18, 2005

Gum Chewing, A New ADDICTION

People are stupid!!! And make the most absurd statements. I heard this the other day, “I was a pack a day.” Now what do you associate when you hear this phrase? Generally it refers to SMOKING, right? Well the other day I overheard a teacher say this to one of the students she was watching, a teacher of all people. But it’s not what you think. No, no. It doesn’t even come close. This teacher was admonishing some gullible terrified student for chewing gum. That’s right, CHEWING GUM.
I know that most schools have a rule about NO gum chewing for a variety of reasons: health, respectfulness while teachers are suppose to be teaching, fairness, and other all cleanliness. But is chewing gum such a vice, such a dirty little habit, that people liken it to smoking? Who says in their support group, “I’m addicted to gum!” Addicted to snood maybe, chocolate and caramel certainly, with drugs and sex being some real possibilities, but GUM?
I have known people to chew until their jaws looked liked Popeye’s forearms and we have all been in a classroom where that annoying popular girl smacked and smacked until the most ruthless teacher smacked the back of her head (ok the teacher part is a fantasy). But Come On!!! Seriously, to suggest that you were “a pack a day” addicted gum chewer takes the cake. The teacher did follow up her admission of the newest addiction with, “that’s why I have TMJ.”
Stop the presses! Notify the AMA! Serious Gum Chewers beware! You can develop TMJ just by chewing gum. Do mothers think of the seriousness and potential danger they are placing their children in when they allow their sweet little babies to buy a pack of Wriggle’s Spearmint? What about the dentists that support the whitening power behind Trident? Are they simply part of a conspiracy to get people addicted to one more evil so that the doctors of the world have new patients?
I realize that people need to connect their circumstances with understanding and reason. Why did this happen to me? It’s part of man’s nature to seek out the why behind things. And it has become fashionable to reason away (possibly blame) all facets of man’s imperfect nature. Who wants to say that it because of their actions when it’s easier to suggest that it is due to some organic disease; however, is this a viable consideration for the seriousness of TMJ or one more instance of a individual flaunting their insecurities seeking comfort in the junk science of gum chewing addiction. People are stupid.

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