Thursday, September 08, 2005

reality behind reality shows

lots has happened to those previously on reality shows: new shows, extra deals, spin-offs, magazine spreads, endorsements, and perhaps most infamously, celebrity. what a bunch of GARBAGE!!! as monica l. goes off to study social psychology, amateur social scientists will continue to opine over the reality behind reality shows. what they say about the people who watch em, the people on em, and whether or not they're real or not might keep us coming back for more and more. anybody remember Flickerstick YEAY BABY!!! anyways...

even with all of the moronic reality realists, none stand out so regurgitatingly real as richard hatch. what a interesting fella! can't you just see Bugs Bunny doing his hair saying, "you meet the most interesting people in the most interesting places." goodness what a marketed monster richard has become! Bugs would surely blow him up, but we could only be lucky (this is not a threat by the way you secrete agents working for Mark Burnett). what's nutters is that his evil genus is partly our responsibility. surely the guy was an ass before the show. we just celebrated it giving him the opportunity to really live life. can you beleive that the winner of season 1 is being charged with tax evasion? talk about showing the world your ass. now the world truely sees how big of one you are.

sorry man!!! i was a fan. NO MAS!!!

in other news, RIP to an old friend Sep 7, 2005

HERE'S TO YOU!!! Hope that you do not get stranded on the island of forever.

If only Bob could have directed the goings on of Richard's Ass!!!

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