Why are so many people QUICK to blame someone else? No matter the difficulty, hardship, trial, or tribulation that is in a person’s life, it always seems to be caused by someone else. Is it cultural, generational, racial, or just specific to the human race? People all over the country right now in engaged in the BIGGEST BLAME GAME I have seen in a while. There may be truth to some of the accusations. There may be good reason to wonder at the shortcomings of this individual or that; however, can we really blame people for taking part in an age old coping mechanism? Many comedians, journalists, and politicians are vying for the highest position on makeshift soapboxes so that they are the first to be heard blaming George W. I am sure every other blogger with a voice has done the same. But again, why BLAME? Why point fingers at those supposedly responsibly?
There is a long list of people who regularly “accept” blame for what has befallen the world’s heartache. The Government is an easy target. Career politicians have made a habit out of blaming their political opposite than say, “let’s not make this about politics.” Than the populace has to chime in because they are certainly the unwilling victims in some grand government conspiracy where neither side of the isle really cares about the little guy. Honestly, get out and vote! Be an active participant in whatever cause you think worthwhile. How about yourself? Parents are most likely the most popular targets. “I didn’t ask to be born!” That’s a good one, blaming your lineage for your mere existence. Hell! Go way back and put it all on Adam and Eve. Even Adam can blame Eve; Eve can blame the snake; the snake can blame God. And if I’m not mistaken, the bible says that God than blamed Adam and Eve. What a nice circular blame doughnut. No middle making no sense.
Race adds a new dimension to the blame game where differences “make up” inferiority and superiority. That’s just it isn’t it? It’s all made up! Given that it is a part of make believe the flip side is completely false too. How’s that for logic?! The point is that Blacks blame Whites, Aboriginals blame Whites, Jews blame Palestinians, Palestinians blame Jews, Whites blame Mexicans, Catholics blame Protestants, Irish blame English, Tutsi blame Huto, Pakistan blame India, Holy Mackerel!!! The list is endless! Where everyone blames everyone else for there state and condition in life. Now I do not want to get into the negative realities of life and how many people in many societies have oppressed who ever they could because certainly might maketh right. The point is that it is always someone else’s fault no matter what especially when it comes to man’s accidental differences. “AH HA! You are different than me; therefore, I will treat you differently so that you can blame me. Wait!!! I may blame you for those very differences because I may not have what you have!!!” Stupid!
We’ve heard a lot in the news about wide spread social economic classes. It’s true! There is a caste system in the United States of America, INC. If you don’t believe this simply turn on your television and watch the wonderful world of Ms. Hilton. But what of these qualitative and quantitative differences in the American public? Well just go to the grocery store about the 15th and 30th of every month and check out the unwed mothers buying up milk and cheese for their screaming 2 year olds while the geriatrics race their scooters to the pharmacy to get whatever generic leftovers Lilly has graciously left for while bleeding their social security. This all happens as P whateveryourpresentnameis Diddy shoots a million dollar Pepsi commercial in the Vons parking lot with the latest addition to Aronld’s ever expanding Hummer collection. What is it? The H$3.95 a gallon? Just what we need. If we didn’t have these, it would certainly be the fault of the Japanese! Blame em for making an economic car eh?!
Well I’m ranting!!! Maybe I should blame someone for run-on sentences or inability to distinguish between there and they're. Yeah that’s it. Blame the educational system for my poor grades, the nations failing grades in grade school, the poor scientist turn out, the lack of qualified graduate students from our own universities so go out and recruit other country’s top performers, college athletes unable to read. Yeah! It’s not my fault. I Blame You!!!
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