I have a pocket - full of words - sometimes - I lose letters - through the holes - in my pants
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
In relation to Jeff Koons
i do not necessarily agree with the critic's overall view of the artist, yet he makes a valid point. one that might need to be applied to much more than just art but art necessarily.
Monday, December 05, 2005
"What is Art" by Leo Tolstoy
marilyn manson's definition
i accually like this even if it doesn't answer the question or provide a better understanding.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
1st definition of art
Monday, November 28, 2005
been a long time!!!
i have not written in some time and need to get back at it. i haven't even written on paper in the mist of boredom, because things seemed to take on greater importance. what can be be greater than writing? what can better greater than creativity? lots and nothing.
it is simply important to make time for ALL that can and needs to be accomplished. so, i shall make time...
Sunday, October 16, 2005
More on the Four Noble Truths

Life means suffering.
The origin of suffering is attachment.
The cessation of suffering is attainable.
The path to the cessation of suffering
Go Here! because it's where I "copy and paste"ed from.
Very helpful information
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Today's thoughts
“One’s real life is often the life that one does not lead.” ~Oscar Wilde~
“Uh! Open your eyes and look within. Are you satisfied (with the life you’re living)? Uh!” ~Bob Marley~
A book I started reading the beginnings of January, 2004 contained two basic precepts by which to live your life. 1) Help others 2) Do no harm to others this second necessary only if you couldn’t complete the first. What a great way to live life. This is what I ought to do!!!
“Need to listen to the music in my life. Go with the flow, feel the rhythm, move to the beat.” ~Me~
Forms of prayer are defined as follows:
- Blessing
- Petition
- Intercession
- Thanksgiving
- Praise
Part four: Christian Prayer Article 3 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
What prayer is is defined as follows:
- God’s gift
- Covenant
- Communion
Part four: Cristian Prayer Section 1 Prayer in the Christian life
These are my musts:
- Reorient my thoughts and feelings
- Be kind and compassionate
- Not hate
- Be slow to anger
- Be patient
- More understanding
“Our mundane concerns. Like and dislike, gain and loss, praise and blame, fame and disgrace: these are the eight mundane concerns which condition our existence.” His Holiness The Dalai Lama
I watched two movies tonight, Platoon and Philadelphia, both Great flicks. I’d like to share the one moment that really struck home. After Tom Hank’s has his party in celebration of him, he and Denzel are sitting down attempting to discuss Tom’s testimony. Well Tom isn’t into it; instead, he is riveted by a particular operetta playing in the background. This is my favorite part of the movie. The color, the slanting of the camera angles, the wide eyed expression of Denzel and the closed eyed contemplation of Tom as he describes the operetta piece. It would seem that he has a clear and present understanding of how life presents itself in all of its subtle and magnificent, mundane and tragic, happenstances of existence while traversing birth, life, and death. Everyone facing uncertainty and indecision should watch this well acted performance to gain perhaps a little deeper insight into their own presence.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
two poems from my past
- On Meditation
Calmed relaxed
Unquestioning acceptance
Allow time to slow
Even stop
Spiritual fulfillment
Unyielding richness
All is apparent - Through the body
One can obtain strength and flexibility
Through the mind
One can obtain knowledge and wisdom
Through both
One can obtain spirituality
Monday, October 03, 2005
A poem I wrote a while ago
Is not held by the bridle
Of life
But is cherished by all
Through the sacrifice of fate
Giving itself over
To our passions and desires
We see in its end
A deserving Grace
And rejoice in its tears
Of fallen petals
Transition Words of Insecurity
Why? These instances may start out as a means to reducing anxiety while expressing uncertainty, being placed into a strange environment, plopped down in front of a group of strangers, being unprepared when preparation is expected, being given authority when the position is unnatural or underdeveloped, a new job, topic, or something spontaneous arises. Over time, however, these transitions seem to become a part of the individuals speech pattern whereby anxiety and uncertainty are replaced by relaxation, comfort, and confidence all in the guise of poor English. I’ve heard some fairly knowledgeable individuals speak on subjects tarnishing their lectures with the frequent UM! thus completely undermining the value of the presentation.
It was funny on Seinfield but in reality it is most annoying!!!
Quote of the Moment: A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking. ~Good Ol' Jerry~
Sunday, October 02, 2005
When others were pointing their fingers at me
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye"
(Matthew 7:1-5)
Live your own life, for you will die your own death.
(Latin proverb)
Live without pretending,
Love without depending,
Listen without defending,
Speak without offending,
Give without ending,
Build without rending.
~Nina Roberta Baker~
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Read THE SUN magazine

If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment.
H.D. Thoreau
Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts. It's what you do with hat you have left.
Hubert Humphrey
If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you have a problem. Everything else is inconvenience.
Robert Fulghum
If you do not know of The Sun, go out and look for it. Please support it by buying an issue or subscribing. I must take a moment here to thank my step-mother for thinking I'd appreciate the journal, because I will never be the same.
Of note completely unrelated to this entry: isn't it odd that the spell check within this blogger suggests that "blog" isn't a correctly spelt word? Interesting :-)
Friday, September 30, 2005
Loving the Quotes
Pay attention to the news, but don't pay homage to it.
The best kind of learning curve is an educated smile.
To better understand a person means being aware of the depths of their needs.
The Best Monkey Ever
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
What have you done lately?
What have you read to awaken the mind's eye? Here's a list:
What have you seen that marks natures beauty?
Have a peep.http://www.mapplethorpe.org/
What have you listened to? The jangle confronting today's Wal-mart, made in China patriotic jingoism.
Love on the one hand, Hate on the other both trying to do the right thing.
A Haiku
Sunday, September 25, 2005
FUNNY stuff
It reminded me of my brother's old girlfirend who was a dental hygienist. She told us of how it was horrible to work on a person, hovering over their mouths, when they clearly had "hemophilia". Even though I thought that that was the funniest thing ever, I had to look at her for a while trying to figure out if indeed she was serious. She worked in the field after all. How could she confuse the fields of dental hygiene and phlebotomy?
Yesterday in one of the classrooms I observe, I started laughing on the inside (had too as I didn't want the students to catch on or embarrass the teacher); however, I suspect one of the more clever students got the double entendre as well. The teacher was going over the 6 water sheds of PA and as he described a particularly interesting local tid-bit he said, "You'd have to be pretty high to see lake Erie from far away." A real knee slapper that one.
Readers of the Digest beware. This is why LIFE is STRANGER than FICTION. HEHE
Friday, September 23, 2005
Why I'm Not a Practicing Catholic
The following is a simple outline I drew up in response to a friend's inquiry to why I no longer practice the Catholic faith. I may still call myself Catholic but that does not mean that I am Catholic. Someone asked me recently what I was and my answer of "Just me" didn't seem to satisfy. There is real benefit in defining one's self even if the parameters of a basic inner epistemology are as yet unknown. What once was may no longer dominate; what could be mightn't be discovered; all while the present stagnates, deteriorates, and ceases to participate in the worthwhile. The important thing in self-discovery, in defining an essence, is in pursuing some convincing and reassuring dimension that envelopes the whole. Let's see how far I take this. I seek that which needs sought so...
- Basic Universal Premises
Jesus as a historical figure or the Son of God
The idea of the Holy Trinity something difficult I'm sure for even the most learned.
The Church as Central to salvation. Going back in time it is immensely important to trace an organization to its roots. All Christian churches certainly point to Christ as their Head but how is that Roman Catholism claims sole ownership? - People Particulars
The Church Hierarchy. This is always such a hot topic when pointing out Catholism's supposed weak points. I like the idea of deference but have a problem with the hierarchy being given great lip service while being completely forsaken. This seemingly comes about because of dramatic power struggles within the church and by its laity.
Pedophilia. NEED I SAY MORE?! Scandals have rocked through the Church for ages. Differences in theology stand out as well as political upheaval. But what the??? This recent cover-up takes the cake for me.
Resource Distribution. I have no problem with the Church having wealth materially, historically, or monetarily. I do have a problem the apparent lack of consideration in dealing with the needy while preserving nonfunctioning, diminishing churches or needlessly expanding mediocre structures in the name of competitiveness. The Church has a responsibility to uphold charitable necessities but places more emphasis on Keeping Up With the Protestants. - Personal Trivialities
Support. I am no rock. The cock hasn't crowed 3 times but is on continuous drowning cycle. All must hear my denial as the snake winds its way easily through expanding shadows of my life.
Marital. This is very personal, and I am not seeking to blame my eternal partner in wedlock. I just thought that we'd have 6 plus children by now, attending Mass regularly, and placing God as the center of our life. NOT SO!
Local. I haven't heard a priest give a deep meaningful homily since California. The California part may not be significant, because I'm sure there are countless good priests who stir up the best hell and damnation. I just miss hearing the word of God followed up by something so meaningfully personal that it speaks to the very trials and tribulations of the moment. How great would that be? Going to Church, feeling the presence of Jesus, experiencing the sacrifice on Mount Calvary, knowing that that same sacrifice offered some 2 thousand years ago is taking place now all in the name of your own personal dilemma, suffering, and misfortune. To feel that the priest knows via some touching oration certainly pays tribute to the ever presence of God.
Feelings. Not to condone the charismatic movement but I haven't experienced that overpowering sense of wonder in some time. I can remember a moment where I was laying in bed envisioning the very real pain felt by Jesus on the cross while questioning the possibility of Man made Flesh. As I lay there it was as if I saw something dreamy and awe inspiring. Nuff about that least I believe mysewackybe a bit whacky.
Habit. I simply lost the habit however it came about. Anyone having had smoked knows the VALUE and formative quality of habituation. There are good habits and there are bad ones. I lost the good habit of attending Mass and am not disposed to reacquaint myself with it except in participating in my kids weekly Mass at their Catholic school.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
JD Predicted to WIN
No matter, because I watch the show. I was hooked. I even got caught up in all of the drama my democratic was supposed to. In that vain, I predict JD to be the winner regardless of my past thoughts and feelings. Let's go see who takes center stage. Hell!!! I may even go see the show when it comes around. GO JD!!!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Gum Chewing, A New ADDICTION
I know that most schools have a rule about NO gum chewing for a variety of reasons: health, respectfulness while teachers are suppose to be teaching, fairness, and other all cleanliness. But is chewing gum such a vice, such a dirty little habit, that people liken it to smoking? Who says in their support group, “I’m addicted to gum!” Addicted to snood maybe, chocolate and caramel certainly, with drugs and sex being some real possibilities, but GUM?
I have known people to chew until their jaws looked liked Popeye’s forearms and we have all been in a classroom where that annoying popular girl smacked and smacked until the most ruthless teacher smacked the back of her head (ok the teacher part is a fantasy). But Come On!!! Seriously, to suggest that you were “a pack a day” addicted gum chewer takes the cake. The teacher did follow up her admission of the newest addiction with, “that’s why I have TMJ.”
Stop the presses! Notify the AMA! Serious Gum Chewers beware! You can develop TMJ just by chewing gum. Do mothers think of the seriousness and potential danger they are placing their children in when they allow their sweet little babies to buy a pack of Wriggle’s Spearmint? What about the dentists that support the whitening power behind Trident? Are they simply part of a conspiracy to get people addicted to one more evil so that the doctors of the world have new patients?
I realize that people need to connect their circumstances with understanding and reason. Why did this happen to me? It’s part of man’s nature to seek out the why behind things. And it has become fashionable to reason away (possibly blame) all facets of man’s imperfect nature. Who wants to say that it because of their actions when it’s easier to suggest that it is due to some organic disease; however, is this a viable consideration for the seriousness of TMJ or one more instance of a individual flaunting their insecurities seeking comfort in the junk science of gum chewing addiction. People are stupid.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Four Noble Truths
- "Suffering" Exists
- "Suffering" Comes about, arises
- "Suffering" Can end, cease, ushering forth Nirvana
- Eight-Fold Noble Path as Tools to practice in order to realize Nirvana
- Right View
- Right Intention
- Right Speech
- Right Action
- Right Livelihood
- Right Effort
- Right Mindfulness
- Right Concentration/Meditation
Very Cool Stuff!!! I still need to learn, contemplate, be, and accept the way of things, whatever that may be. Yet the above is helpful in many things and I simply wanted to type it out for the benefit of all who may come across it.
Cheers and Happy. Happy; Joy, Joy to all. And in case I don't see ya, Good morning, Good Afternoon, and Good night.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
It's not my fault. I Blame You!!!
There is a long list of people who regularly “accept” blame for what has befallen the world’s heartache. The Government is an easy target. Career politicians have made a habit out of blaming their political opposite than say, “let’s not make this about politics.” Than the populace has to chime in because they are certainly the unwilling victims in some grand government conspiracy where neither side of the isle really cares about the little guy. Honestly, get out and vote! Be an active participant in whatever cause you think worthwhile. How about yourself? Parents are most likely the most popular targets. “I didn’t ask to be born!” That’s a good one, blaming your lineage for your mere existence. Hell! Go way back and put it all on Adam and Eve. Even Adam can blame Eve; Eve can blame the snake; the snake can blame God. And if I’m not mistaken, the bible says that God than blamed Adam and Eve. What a nice circular blame doughnut. No middle making no sense.
Race adds a new dimension to the blame game where differences “make up” inferiority and superiority. That’s just it isn’t it? It’s all made up! Given that it is a part of make believe the flip side is completely false too. How’s that for logic?! The point is that Blacks blame Whites, Aboriginals blame Whites, Jews blame Palestinians, Palestinians blame Jews, Whites blame Mexicans, Catholics blame Protestants, Irish blame English, Tutsi blame Huto, Pakistan blame India, Holy Mackerel!!! The list is endless! Where everyone blames everyone else for there state and condition in life. Now I do not want to get into the negative realities of life and how many people in many societies have oppressed who ever they could because certainly might maketh right. The point is that it is always someone else’s fault no matter what especially when it comes to man’s accidental differences. “AH HA! You are different than me; therefore, I will treat you differently so that you can blame me. Wait!!! I may blame you for those very differences because I may not have what you have!!!” Stupid!
We’ve heard a lot in the news about wide spread social economic classes. It’s true! There is a caste system in the United States of America, INC. If you don’t believe this simply turn on your television and watch the wonderful world of Ms. Hilton. But what of these qualitative and quantitative differences in the American public? Well just go to the grocery store about the 15th and 30th of every month and check out the unwed mothers buying up milk and cheese for their screaming 2 year olds while the geriatrics race their scooters to the pharmacy to get whatever generic leftovers Lilly has graciously left for while bleeding their social security. This all happens as P whateveryourpresentnameis Diddy shoots a million dollar Pepsi commercial in the Vons parking lot with the latest addition to Aronld’s ever expanding Hummer collection. What is it? The H$3.95 a gallon? Just what we need. If we didn’t have these, it would certainly be the fault of the Japanese! Blame em for making an economic car eh?!
Well I’m ranting!!! Maybe I should blame someone for run-on sentences or inability to distinguish between there and they're. Yeah that’s it. Blame the educational system for my poor grades, the nations failing grades in grade school, the poor scientist turn out, the lack of qualified graduate students from our own universities so go out and recruit other country’s top performers, college athletes unable to read. Yeah! It’s not my fault. I Blame You!!!

(20) Notre Dame at 17 (4) Michigan 10
Too bad!!! Perhaps the rankings will reverse. They should given MI's dismal performance!!!
So far...
game 2 (20) Notre Dame at 17 (4) Michigan 10
game 1 Northern Ill at 17 (4) Michigan 33
Friday, September 09, 2005
cool, funny quote
You can paint a pumkin black but that doesn't make it a bowling ball.
funny!!! muy divertido!!!

i also wish to express my Sincere Thx for the networks continued support of the best cartoon since Ren and Stimpy. i was not a fan of the 4th grade Lame Asses, because i adopted a very right wing, ultra christian attitude towards the demon spawn from colorado. even watching it and realizing that it made fun of the same things that i did especially when i was younger, i just didn't want to give into the bigger and bolder Beavis and Butthead. different cartoons to say the least but extreme on both counts. now, i love the show. regression perhaps. a new found light-heartidness. complete disregard for decentcy, wait, i never was very decent.
gr8 show though. i do offer a word of caution: kids in 6th grade may not completely understand it. hell adults may not either. but i see too many "kids" joking around about jews yet in reality these same white-bread, midwesterners are as racist as they come. they just gloss over it by suggesting that it's all good clean fun, harmless, mindless banter, and NOT REALLY MEANT. Yeah right!!! these same kids use nigger and cracker in the halls and on the street to each other and to those ment to get hurt.
sorry to be so much of a downer. i do love the show.
and i know that i cannot spell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 08, 2005
reality behind reality shows
even with all of the moronic reality realists, none stand out so regurgitatingly real as richard hatch. what a interesting fella! can't you just see Bugs Bunny doing his hair saying, "you meet the most interesting people in the most interesting places." goodness what a marketed monster richard has become! Bugs would surely blow him up, but we could only be lucky (this is not a threat by the way you secrete agents working for Mark Burnett). what's nutters is that his evil genus is partly our responsibility. surely the guy was an ass before the show. we just celebrated it giving him the opportunity to really live life. can you beleive that the winner of season 1 is being charged with tax evasion? talk about showing the world your ass. now the world truely sees how big of one you are.
sorry man!!! i was a fan. NO MAS!!!
in other news, RIP to an old friend Sep 7, 2005
HERE'S TO YOU!!! Hope that you do not get stranded on the island of forever.
If only Bob could have directed the goings on of Richard's Ass!!!
Sunday, September 04, 2005
USA 2 Mexico 0

I wish that SOCCER was as popular in the USA as it was elsewhere. I am as guilty as the rest of the country for not watching it but can still dream. Honestly though, I tried to find coverage of the USA Mexico game yesterday and was completely unsuccessful. Nothing on the thousands of cable channels that our service provides. Lots of shopping networks. YUCK!!!
The crazy thing is that is our neck of the woods there are still hoards of soccer moms. Remember that 80's craze when moms everywhere were juggling time schedules to get there precious little ones to the soccer field? The hype may have died down and the media moved on to move "interesting" trends but the soccer mom lives today. You can easily spot them with their magnetic jingles clinging tightly to the back of their SUVs right next to the support our cause magnet. There may even be a baseball magnet. But what with millions of kiddies growing up learning the virtues and benefits of soccer, why hasn't it taken a greater hold in the sports hearts of America?
A book can be written on this, and I do not want to get into it. It would be an interesting case study one of which I'm sure many have attempted. The point of this is that for some of us who are marginally interested to fanatically involved in USA soccer, yesterday's game was a good one; avenging a previous loss, shutting out the archrival team, making them eat their words, and securing a place in the next world cup. All great reasons to follow the USA's soccer team as the head for the 2006 World Cup. Perhaps the excitement of the last woman's soccer team's victory (1999) can finally be matched and we will have a men's champion to herald.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
2 Mon. Aug. 15 8:00 p.m. ET Eagles 38-31 W
3 Sat. Aug. 20 7:30 p.m. ET Dolphines 17-3 W
4 Fri. Aug. 26 8:00 p.m. ET at Redskins 10-17 L
5 Thu. Sep. 1 8:00 p.m. ET at Panthers 21-17 W
Here's to you STEELERS. Let's go all the way!!!
no music in the Big Easy but it sure is loud.
"There are two kinds of people in the world; those that stand up and face the music and those that run for cover. Cover is better."
---whhoooooo aaahhhhhhhh---
yet i'm not so sure frank would tell george to stand up. no music in the Big Easy but it sure is loud.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
what is poetry
What is poetry?
Words conjoined to convey meaning deep and frivolous, unrestrained by convention motivated by intuition. Suggested by two of the students in the class: 1) An expression of words overt in emotion 2) Pointless jumble of words that don't make no sense.
Comments about coffee:
warm, hot, brimming, steaming and mean
caramel coated, swirling milky way, the galaxy of latté
con leche y surgar
1st held like a chalice, an offering to the morning Gods
tickling columbian hairs wafting upwards
percolating permeation
A ceremony.
I used to hate coffee. It's bitter arced taste; it's poop staining quality.
The fact that the coffee mug, no matter what, always leaves a ring of condensed water even in the most dry of conditions.
After the student i was with heard a poem that the teacher read aloud, he was asked to write a poem considering the following questions: 1) What does it do to me? 2) What do I think of it? Well the kid didn't write anything, so I decided to write something that he might write given his behaviors. Here it is.
Thinking little, not thinking
Bored of words not enjoyed well or
poorly, misshapingly
spoken aloud
My thoughts disappeared, Wait, I have
no thoughts only bowed faced down feeling
bogged down weighty
Imprints of flatness and a developing
Mayan forehead. The Poem does little
But the desk keeps
me afloat.
this one i wrote for a kid who seemingly couldn't think due to prescribed stupefaction. good kid but highly medicated.
Sitting here
Dazed and confused
Left with no doubt
Feeling utterly used
Hatred, self-doubt
It’s who I am
Can’t concentrate
Never to grow up
Becoming a man
This one I wrote beginning with the 1st word that came to mind (I wanted a beer).
My fish
Owned by my daughter
Loved by the whole family
Sits in the kitchen
On the countertop
Never to leave the bowl
lastly, i will present a quote that i presented to the class on the virtues of NOT USING THE PHONE
"What a lot we lost when we stopped writing letters. You can't reread a phone call." ---Liz Carpenter---
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Buying a Dog
Size, yes size needs to be a consideration. Not the size of the dog although responsible ownership will consider the size of the dog in conjunction with the size of their living quarters. A Boarder Collie will not be happy cramped up in some New York apartment. What matters is the size of the PILE in direct relation to the size of the dog and the type of food given to given to the animal. Of course a toy dog with leave bite size tootsie rolls around for you to pick up. Will you ever be able to eat the candy again is a real consideration. And a Saint Bernard, Scottish Deerhound, or Great Dane will leave mounds steaming for days on end. Can you use a Backhoe in your clean up? Depending on the type of food you give your friend will determine if your picking up after him once a day or several times a day. A good lively feed will be made out of 70 to 90% lamp or beef and will offer your dog a regular once a day bowl movement as if they were on a steady diet of fiber just like the doctor told you you needed. But a generic brand of feed will be more bits and pieces mixed together with horse parts than McDonald's used to put into their McNugguts. Plus you'll be going through pooper scoopers like no tomorrow.
How much embarrassment you can stomach also needs to be considered because your dog will embarrass you. If your sitting on the couch curled up to your loved one watching The Notebook hoping to score a little nookie, nothing gets you quit in the mood more than your dogs most basic instinct. Perhaps it too senses the air of attraction and just as you move your leg to stretch out, the canine pounces and starts to hump away. Yes, HUMP. Your dog, be it female or male, will someday act in a manner befitting the highest paid prono stars. It will rhythmically attack not only you leg, but a thrown down pillow, another attractive pouch while walking in the park, or even a nephew or nice coming to visit for the first time in ages. Can you stomach it? Now if that’s the thing you do to entertain guests by all means let the dog have its fun. It’s nothing but the dog in it!!!
Last but not least is the type of dog you will want to think about. They can be classified into many different groups, such as working, sporting, or herding, to name a few, but really there are but two types of dogs that must be considered. This may very well be the determining factor when you go to purchase that devoted and loyal animal friend. I suggest that all dogs can be SEEN as “asshole, slight asshole, or nonasshole”. What can you stand to see when your energetic pet takes you for a walk? Do you want the whole kit and caboodle to be staring you down like some dirty pink and brown eye? Some yogis talk about man’s third eye. Well there is no questioning the existence of some dog’s third eye because the cute little pucker will be eyeing you like an incontinent lactose intolerant 6 month old baby. It’ll be like a car reek. You will not be able to keep your eye off of it. This is the full-on asshole dog like the Akita, Samoyed, or Pomeranian. Can you stand the sight? Some dogs like the Spaniels and Labradors will show off their assholes when excited while wagging their tales. These are the slight assholes. Good when you can live with the less than full look of the rear. Than there are the dogs that through evolutionary bum consideration have covered up their anus’ either with a long coat of hair or a fully hanging tail designed to hide the intestines exit. Belgian Malinoiss, Setters, and Komondors are great dogs for the camouflaging their hineys.
Just remember when considering what dog is right for you, think about the poop-scoop size factor, the canine’s need to spread its seed, and the asshole factor. Taken together and weighed with much deliberation you should be able to find the perfect animal companion.
Monday, August 29, 2005
A NEW group of primates?
This understanding of man is of interest to all of us. Commoners alike throughout history have wondered in astonishment at their very nature and purpose. A simple reflection in the local watering hole must have provided countless opportunities to stare into the unknown while offering a glimpse into the abyss. Along come the sophisticates and Know-it-alls with pedantic degrees after their names muddling it all with ideas about the organic to concepts about the ethereal. Theses so called thinkers and purveyors of humanity mean to educate everyone else in the realms of origin and design, the alpha and omega as it were; a sinew of underlying achievement. Wait! That may imply a watchmaker. Nevertheless, when I heard that the London Zoo had put on display a new group of primates I was intrigued.

The website does shed a little bit more light onto the meaning behind the exhibition. But really, are we humbled by the site of a few exhibitionists strutting about in Adam and Eve’s finest summer fashions? Do we learn more about the habits of man and his behaviors by seeing a few graduate students on special assignment? Or is it a stunt to market the environmentally friendly facilities within one of the world’s nicer prisons for animals? Whatever the reason, I heartily disagree with the idea behind the Human Zoo. Maybe if it were a performance art piece, but serious scientific intent? Please. At least the show denigrated the ideas about understanding the behaviors of man and animal. At most it threw man’s pursuit of understanding himself back to the trial of John Scopes and towards “…a conflict of social and intellectual values”.
a few questions and suggestions
Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan
Jean Claude van Damme or Steven Segal
Mel Brooks or Leslie Nielsen
Ray Remano or Jerry Seinfeld
Al Pacino or Robert de Niro
Gene Wilder or Johnny Depp
Jackie Gleason or Carrol O’Connor
Bill Cosby or Alan Alda
George Clonney or Jimmy Smits
Micheal Keton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, or Christian Bale
Movies to check out from yesterday
The sting a duo classic
Blazing Saddles blazed through segregation
Fletch Lives successful post SNL comedy
Heavey Metal before there was Pixar.
The Adventures of Baron Munchausen is not some DSM classification
Desperately Seeking Susan sought good acting
Fries Green Tomatoes cooked more than barbecue
Colors Ice T rules!!!
Grand bleu, Le (the big blue) do I have a thing for Rosanna Arquette
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure Most excellent!!!
Mo better questions
Bevis & Butthead or Southpark
Vanilla or Chocolate
Survivor or Big Brother
Batman or Superman
Addams family or Munsters
MTV or VH1
Tupac or Biggie
Harry Potter or Lord or the Rings
Coke or Pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King
Wal-Mart or Big K
Playstation or Xbox
Draft or Bottle
Question: Describe how the VMAs continue to suck as the years progress. Support your answer with examples such as P Diddys lame attempts at humor regarding his name.
and a little quote to spice up the blog: Learn the principle, abide by the principle, and dissolve the principle. In short, enter a mold without being caged in it. Obey the principle without being bound by it. LEARN, MASTER AND ACHIEVE!!! ---bruce lee---
Saturday, August 27, 2005
food for thought
- if you have a 1 in a million chance of meeting your soul-mate, doesn't that mean that there are 297 (give or take a few) perfect soul-mates for you within the united states?
- what the hell is transpecies? humanimals! "give me a break" says john Stossel
- if Aron Ralston gets his other arm stuck between a rock and a hard place, will he cut it off?
- The Wendigo could quite possibly be the worst movie ever made!!!
- why isn't there a german soccer team called the schweinhunde? hehe loved the gatorade print ads
- at a recent toby kieth concert, dear mr. america himself sought to add troops to his "red-neck" regiment. his only 3 requirements were 1) you drink 2) you drink this weekend 3) you sound off like you got a pair. god bless america!!! well, i may not drink (right now), but i may have to move to canada and join the dixie chick's draft.
- Restless Legs Syndrome WHAT THE F!!!
- What's a man's definition of a romantic evening? Sex
- which would the the schizophrenic more likely report as happening more often? fornication or formication?
- "Not all who wonder are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkein
- if you are such a devoted fan, how come you didn't start a website at the age of 12?
- Theodore John Kaczynski might have liked technology?! Naah
- Prokaryotic/Eukaryotic, what's the big difference anyway?
- "...the art and technical aspects of body suspension", now put that into a job interview.
Friday, August 26, 2005
All Praise and Glory to the Human Spirit
Thanks "REAL SPORTS WITH BRYANT GUMBEL" for the information.
In other news, the Steelers (2-1) lost their 3rd preseason game 10 to 17 against the Redskins (1-2). Too bad yet the real test begins Sunday, September 11th @ 1PM where they will face the Titians; however, the coolest part of the game came late in the 4th quarter with the Steelers making their finial run for the goal line. It wasn't some spectacular run by The BUS nor a game tying hail mary by Tommy (I'm know you'll contribute MUCH to the team) Maddox. No, it was the Yellow capped Steeler fan sporting a perch to some northwestern praying mantis. Yes that's right a praying mantis. What a great shoot!!! Praise goes out to the director for allowing this on the air with much credit going to the cameraman for spotting such an incredible insectoid balancing act. Now let's hope that the little bugger didn't get booted out for not paying the full price of admission. We sure got our moneys worth.
Questioned pain seeking celebrated dullness
one statement from someone close to me was that she wasn't sure she liked the flow. this is an important consideration and interestingly was thought about in development. funny that! but good feedback and a worthy criticism.
see what ya think...
Questioned pain seeking celebrated dullness
Emergency nurse asks uninterestingly, “constant or intermittent?”
I’m not here for what she asks but reply, “chronic and acute.”
She repeats annoyed with less interest, “constant or intermittent?”
I GASP, “constant and intermittent!” How you like that one!? With breathless indignation.
Follow me she instructs after a few minutes of frantic scribbling.
This is how it is even in the most extreme of circumstances. Having presented to the hospital with a type 2 emergency and learning about the narcotic pain regiment for something unrelated, a barrage of less curious supposedly caring questions usher forth with the intent of lick-ert(ing) my unseen inner turmoil.
1) Strongly disagree
2) Disagree
3) Never agree nor disagree
4) Agree
5) Strongly Agree
What BETTER way to discribe the streched thin, ever dulling, stabing sensations that play their part both “constant and intermittent”.
Constant? O’, I strongly disagree madam paid too little nusre who only has to jout down the right response. Chronic feels more true, empowered with the feeling of omnipresence.
Intermittent? Again, o’ wise sage checking off the time clock by your station. If it were an analoug clock it would pierce the seconds with the same knife-like quality that shoots through me every other intstance very a cutely .
At least in respitory distrass, the enemy can be seen and confronted.
STAT! Get this! HERE! ALLLLLLLLLLLLL BETER ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Well I strongly disagree. Surely the presenting problem is “fixed” (until the next intermittent instance) but what of the other? The…
The pain, the pain, the pain, is constantly questioned.
How is it? What is it? Where is it? Why is it? IS IT?
Is it? All the time in celebrated wonderment do they wonder whether what I describe is, is, is what? Help me Rensis. Help me!
“On a scale of one to ten with one being no pain what so ever and ten being the worst pain you have ever felt”
This is just it isn’ it? This is where the problem lyes. To quantify a personal qaulity that regularly changes yet to be understood by the self and by others. WOW! A meeting of the minds felt bodily. No wonder so many people choose to simply answer after anwsering so often the rightly juxtaposed inaccurately but percisely poised, “constant or intermittent?”
Dull as it may seem it’s the dullness that is achieved.
The qustioner becomes dulled by the every daunting, “The Pain, The Pain, The Pain” celebrated beside a number.
The answerer seeks dullness to the ever chronic and acute, “The Pain, The Pain, The Pain” never honoring the answer.
yes, flow is important. Ebb and Flow, The Motion of the Ocean. very important!!! perhaps i will continue to look into this and revise my prose.
on a different note, i watched an old movie today. one that i liked and think others should look into.
Desperate Measures
it will never be a cult classic. it certainly wasn't a box office sensation. the story? cliché. the dialogue? trite and arnold-wannabe. "If I can't eat it, drink it, fuck it or fire it, I don't want it." perhaps the four new food groups. but the best was an exchange between peter mcCabe and frank conner. The shortened version is, "do you really want to test my resolve? to see where you end and i begin?" This was superb!!! and really captured what i believe to be not just the essence of the flick but the secret of life. going after what is necessary and desired with not the typical 110% muscle clad workout but with deeply felt conviction and determination. even in the end when frank is confronting peter on the bridge, peter is impressed with the resolve put into his pursuit. the response, "i'm motivated" should be put into all of our earthly endeavors.
am i motivated? are you? where do others end and i begin. maybe an answer can be seen in the accomplishments of lance armstrong maybe it can be achieved in all of us!!! let's work beyond 110% and truly succeed. well you decide for yourself, and i'll look into getting my four new food groups!!!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Audience is the Real Rock STAR
OKAY, OKAY, I admit it. I watch a lot of reality T.V. Hell I watch a lot of T.V. but am taken with the craze of reality programming. Better than participating in my own life right? :-))) The latest craze, that’s just it isn’t it, CRAZE, revolves around one of my late teen favorites turning into one of my adult favorite shows. That's right! INXS has become a new T.V. Rock Star. WHAT?!? Not because it’s great. NO! NO! NO! But that it’s a way of reviving Richard Hatch’s nakedness while listening to big hair stadium styled poisoned “I really want to be in your band like no other”. It’s so bad that it makes me laugh. WHY?
- It’s not that Brooke Burke sounds flat in a high-pitched monotone and that her hair was borrowed from Jaclyn Smith (see Charlies angles)
- It’s not that Dave Navarro would sleep with all of the performers except JD (but wait! Wasn’t he married on some other reality show?)
- It’s not that I want to color in the mustache and beard of Kirk Pengilly
- It’s not that the bearded member talks about how he Personally Knows this and that band allllll the fricking time
NO! NO! NO! What makes me laugh so hard, like seeing Richard Hatch’s naked ass as his stranded shipmates gawk at him, is the way that the audience is soooooo into the music. Is this real? Or is there some hidden L-dopa magic pumped into the air throughout the show? Just what are the subliminal messages saying? Clap! Go Bonkers! Raise the Roof! The audience is nutters!!!! Plain and simple, they go sooooo absurdly wild listening to the different contestants that their reactions have to be artificially enhanced.
Most of the compositions are classics and span different musical tastes. This works and cannot be the reason why the audience enjoys the show so much. Hell I doubt any of them really know who the Rolling Stones or REM are. What doesn’t work are the fabulously crapy renditions by the likes of Ty (what the Opera), Heather (can I get another butterfly plz), and whomever else sucks the big microphone of sadness. Maybe when Mig shows off his abs for all the honeys and Dave. The audience laps it up and the panties go a flying. Maybe as JD stabs the air once again they feel as if they too can touch the hand of God. Maybe they are paid to watch a sign above the stage that blinks on periodically like some 50’s live show demanding, “Applause”. Maybe they’re all bums paid to look enthused. Shoot! Pay me 5 bucks a day and I’ll yell and scream for any ol’ new INXS wannabe. Whatever the reason, the audience makes the show well worth it and I will continue to support it so long as it doesn’t interfere with the new season of Survivor.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
poems are great!!! many subtle nuances of the human psyche can be expressed with great efficiency through expressive poetry. indeed, one may not know it but a catharsis can be achieved through the process writing poetry. this is my aim, at least, an endeavor towards the purest expression of inner feelings and thoughts culminating in a moment of the greatest understanding. rather lofty no????
anyways, here is a poem that i wrote back in 1991. it shows something of the moment in saddened terms.
I know not what I do
For I am an unenthusiastic soul
Reaching for the sun
Blind to its overpowering presence
And unyielding strength
Fantasies swell inside me
Giving me purpose and pleasure
Allowing me to escape
The everyday pains of reality
And its unearthly realism
Emotions run amok sensing release
From that which is caged and bottled up
Knowing that only short lived
All must be experienced and life
Must take root
Mirrored by an unforgiving reflection
The past lashes out
And allows pity and self-dought
To overwhelm my hopes shattered
My dreams torn apart I look to the future
With tear swollen eyes
Thursday, August 18, 2005
old vs. new
The other day at dinner I mentioned that the Mt. Olive pickles stationed at the table must be old pickles. "What are those," and "how do you know", were the obvious questions. Honestly, I had to think about it because experience simply wasn’t good enough (my experience not satisfying the experience hungry at the table).
There are many different types of pickles, dilled, sweet, and bread and butter, fruits even, relish not to be forgotten, and some of the trendier and modern incantations incorporate zippy spicing, but a few essential factors must be highlighted.
- Lactobaccili a bacterium must be allowed to fester = fermentation
- Salt. Not just any salt. Non-iodized salt. Why? The above bacterium may die off. Salt also helps in the preventing non-helpful microbes forming
- Cooked vs. fermented cooked are really cooked in a warm, hot even prefab viniger solution. Fermented are dosed in a nice brine upwards of 2 months depending on the maker.
Of course, if your from NYC you must specify sour or half sour, but I digress. Any reputable delicatessen with ask you if you want an old or new pickle. It is from my many sandwich excursions at a vast number of delis that I draw experience and was thus able to answer the questions. The above science didn't seem to impress anyone. OLD pickles are limper, less crunchy. They have a deeper translucence about their coloration making the green dull and muddied and the yellow appear to be part of some middle Michigan bog. New Dills take on a trophy like apperance in holding onto the perfect prepickled facade. Cucumbers must meet strict guidelines before being selected to participate in the divine process of pickling.
Pickle Divinity
- 1st rule of thumb relates to size. Yes size makes a difference. The cucumber should be no longer than your hand is wide. As I have artsy hands and there are vast differences in hand girth, consider the average stout, pudgy thick membered male hand. Ever see the movie Vision Quest? As Carla and Louden head up to Louden’s Grandfather’s, Carla comments on Louden’s man-sized hands or something of the sort. This is the perfect visual in picking the perfectly sized cucumber (and many other things I’m sure).
- 2nd Look at the color of the vegetable. NO yellow fading is wanted. Emerald green sounds good but not just general color of an emerald. Look to the transcendental edges of the stone for a deep forest blush and you will have what might be the desired shade. I read on the internet that "nothing greens greener than emeralds" attributed to Pliny the Elder. This may be true in gemology but not in the garden of pickled perfection.
- 3rd is the distasteful mentioning of Warts. I am not referring to what the AAD defines. I point to the protuberances acknowledged imperfections elsewhere yet are the individual markings of Cucumis sativus' fruit. I have always thought this is a likening to DNA combinations. Wouldn't it be fun to statistically calculate the myriad possibilities related to how many warts a cuc. can have and where they are placed? Maybe not, but the point is that a right proper cucumber must have a far number of warts that add to the tactile expression of a future pickle.
All Praise and Glory to the originators of the PICKLE!!! Continued honor to the all garlic laden, plastic barreled chefs delighting the pickled fancies of our palate. My every grateful stomach bows to the orators of “Old or New” pickle pushers behind the counter of the best deli in the northern hemisphere.
I am no expert, so I implore all interested parties to survey the land of Pickledom. Frolic freely through the fields of hugely different makes and models offered at your local grocery mart and choose one or all as your favorite.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Nature, Others, and Self
Okay, so I can’t sleep; the pressures of life, the difficulties of making it through the daily grind, the tensions felt by nature, others, and self. It’s this last set that must be looked at seriously.
NATURE --- Something completely out of our control. Obvious surely but something we all grapple with. Health and the corruption of all finite matter, the weather and her torrential unforgiving tirades, an animal’s perfectly instinctual purpose guiding towards self-preservation budding heads with “man’s” insatiable manifest consumption, and a self-stabilizing movement towards homogenous coexistence among the 5 kingdoms. Again, completely out of our control.
OTHERS --- The wow wanting Einsteinean relationship of love, friendship, bar-like buying a few drinks reciprocity, sports team commonalities, coworker have to be nice bureaucracy, never really knowing what’s the deal how do you like me now ever fashionable equation of getting along with too many unknown variables and hidden agendas. A minimal amount of control based on others controlling themselves for fear of rejection.
SELF --- The great unknown. A mirror is most likely our closest approximation to an underlying truth. The reflection is backwards yet familiar, comforting at times while infuriating in others. Controlled by the mire flexing of muscle, neurotransmissions along the perceptions of an outside likeness, and moved by…a prime mover?! Karma?! Evolutionary monkey speak?! All controlled in the moment of now.
Why look at the above? Perhaps to simply get some rest. This would be much appreciated right about now. But just putting it out there in recognition of all our pressures, difficulties, and tensions (how can I get relief) may ease the inner eye’s reddening.
--- Live your own life, for you will die your own death ---another poem for your consumption written on 7/11/2005
Offered in abandonment
A treat consumed,
so sweet,
then thrown away.
What is this?
On the side, in the middle,
off the railroad tracks
blocking the way? No explanation.
Here! Take it.
If wanted, than given;
never knowing the consequences.
DAMN IT!!! Have you no common sense?
Only the inner safety of lecture,
wanton realities
Littering the roads of possible futures.
Snuffed out like the dwindling ambers of cigarette cherries
tossed out the window of ma & pa’s
beat up old station wagon.
Want it? Want that?
That peach pit stripped of all its life!
a beginning
why not? what a question.
- who is to say that what i have to say is worthwhile?
- one man's spittle is still just spittle
- i have stuff to do within the "real" world
- it takes me toooooooo long to type/write/formulate composite, coherent, coalesced and easily digested word equations totaling the faintest of hypothetical episodic narrations (consider jack handey's deep thoughts of snl fame which are much more easily understood)
- sooooo much stuff cataloged within the digital dimension. SERVERS BEWARE!!! and most of it is not peer reviewed
- sooooo many self-indulgent, Oprahean/Shakespearean Soliloguies bordering on the next dr. phil's adlerian self-help entitled how to win and influence my own inner latent lost feral self
- really, a desire to contribute to the greater good of mankind whatever that may be
- production [man's true defining motive (more to come later)]
- to be more spiritual. the ever unfolding of my consciousness
- and to just do - "do or not do. there is no try" yoda i'm told - i think often of the book BIRD BY BIRD of which i do not take to heart but really, really want to
ten good mullings to mull over for both me and you. a less than humble beginning, but a beginning nonetheless. a journey of a thousand miles, yadda yadda; blah, blah. i need to self-medicate now.
but to live up to the discription of this page, here is a poem for our entertainment. i certainly liked writing it on 8/17/2005
This is…insert name here __________
I am a writer, singer, you name it, I am it.
I just haven’t been published and you’ve only heard me in the shower.
I’m just like you. I want to be heard. I must be heard. I can be heard
Or can I?
Thousands of authors and composers, award winners the like.
The Pulitzer, a Platinum record, all high accolades for sure.
You read the reviews; Insert name scored high on the New York Times best sellers.
You even stood in line, waited for hours, just for a nose bleed.
There are even classes, courses, curriculums, dedicated to the “classics”.
There are centuries, turned round, given names like romanticism, baroque
all in the name of what insert name has accomplished. What has been written; song.
But, what was the name of that guy who wrote that book about that time?
But, is the allegro too fast for the changing tastes of today’s discerning ear?
Do you really remember who wrote The Hitchhiker’s Guild to the Universe?
Or has it become a POPULAR movie of the week?
Do you really remember the group you waited hours for to buy their new album?*
Was it worth it?
I am a writer, singer, of my story and song of life.
I want to be of interest, listened to.
But will I be remembered?
*For me, it was Zooropa :-)